Promote the organic farming- Chief Minister
Promote the organic farming- Chief Minister
Chief Minister said that ten blocks of the Uttarakhand have been marked for the organic farming. Current traditional method to produce organic humus takes long time. So farmers should be promoted towards new technology and process. Agriculture Universities and Research Centers of the State should come forward in this direction. Chief Minister said that experts of both “Lab” and “Land” are available in the workshop. We have to work on mission mode through a solid working plan for doubling the income of farmers, strengthening their economic status and making rural economy prosperous. Only making plans is not enough. People must be given information and assistance.
Agriculture Department prepared the Detailed Working Plan
Secretary Agriculture Shri D. Senthil Pandian gave a presentation during the inauguration session of workshop. Shri Pandian informed that initial roadmap was being prepared constituting the sector wise expert committees for Agriculture and Horticulture sectors. Bee keeping, Organic farming, Soil testing and Management, Agriculture Distribution, Fruits & Vegetables cultivation, Mushroom production, Cold Storage Chain, Post Harvest Management, Sheep and Goat keeping, fisheries are included in it. He apprised that coordination of tasks of various departments and agencies was being planned. Business model is being prepared by constituting groups of farmers and company.
Report of Amit Singh Negi for Idea for News from DehraDun .