Resolution to declare cow as Rashtrmata passes in Vidhan Sabha !
Resolution to declare cow as Rashtrmata passes in Vidhan Sabha !
On passing of the resolution to request the union government to declare Cow as Rashtrmata in Vidhan Sabha today thtough voice vote, Chief Minister Mr Trivendra Singh Rawat said that this is real devotion if all of us towards mother cow. He said that cow has a special significance in our life. Uttarakhand has taken an initiative towards cow protection. We have remained committed to provide respect to cow. We have also taken an effective step in making cow as Rashtrmata. In this direction only, taking initiative, a resolution to request the union government to declare Cow as Rashtrmata in Vidhan Sabha was passed today thtough voice vote.
Report of Amit Singh Negi for idea for News from Dehraun.