Football coach becomes chairman of trust service council.
Football coach becomes chairman of trust service council.
information for all
virendra singh rawat ( grassroots football promoter )
vishava seva parishad has been appointed as a CHAIRMAN of Uttarakhand state for 3 years
v.s.rawat last year received by vishva seva parishad RASHTRIYA SEVA KHEL RATAN AWARD 2016
because – rawat nominated only one from all over india for sports grassroots football promoters since 2011 to till date ..
rawat has been well established 550 players, coaches, referees govt. department , national or international teams ..
v.s.rawat received 6 national award and one international award for football promotion & best coach
vishva seva parishad given to big responsibility as a chairman of uttarakhand
Report of Amit Singh Negi for Idea for News from Dehradun.