Five Days Weather Forecast for  Uttarakhand.

 Five Days Weather Forecast for  Uttarakhand.

(Up to 08:30 hours IST of 01st September, 2018)  
Generally cloudy sky. Light to moderate rain/thunder showers very likely to occur at most places in Uttarakhand
Generally cloudy sky. Light to moderate rain/thunder showers very likely to occur at many places in Uttarakhand.
Generally cloudy sky. Light to moderate rain/thunder showers very likely to occur at many places in Uttarakhand.
Generally cloudy sky. Light to moderate rain/thunder showers likely to occur at a few places in Uttarakhand
Generally cloudy sky. Light to moderate rain/thunder showers very likely to occur at most places in Uttarakhand
(Up to 08:30 hours IST of 01st September, 2018)
 Generally cloudy sky. Light to moderate rain/thunder showers very likely to occur at most places in Uttarakhand.
likely to occur at most places in Uttarakhand
Outlook for next two days  (From 08:30 hours IST of 01st Sept 2018 to 08:30 hours IST of 03rd Sept 2018
No large Change
Heavy rainfall likely to occur at isolated places especially in Kumaun region of Uttarakhand during next 12 hours
Report of Amit Singh Negi for  Idea for News from Dehradun

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