Karti Chidambaram remand for 5 days in money laundering case.

Karti Chidambaram remand for 5 days in money laundering case.

Delhi’s Patiala House Court has sent Karti Chidambaram to the CBI on remand for 5 days in the money laundering case / Karti Chidambaram will remain on remand till March 6. Court allowed Karti Chidambaram’s counsel to meet one hour in the morning and evening even though Kartik Was not allowed to eat homemade food /
Earlier, the CBI presented Karti Chidambaram in Patiala House Court in Delhi and urged him to be given custody of 14 days. Karti was presented before Special Judge Sunil Rana here, Karti’s mother and senior lawyer Nalini Chidambaram also appeared in the court. A team of lawyers was raised in favor of Karti, who was sitting near Karti,
Report of Amit Singh Negi for Idea for News from Delhi / Dehradun /

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