29 illegal encroachments identified .

29 illegal encroachments identified .

 29 illegal encroachments identified during anti-encroachment drive on Monday.
In pursuance of orders of honorable court, the exercise of demolition, identification of illegal encroachments and illegal constructions on footpaths, lanes, roads and other places and sealing of illegal encroachments in Dehradun city by Mussoorie- Dehradun Development Authority, Municipal Corporation, Dehradun and district administration has been going on.
Under the anti-encroachment drive on Monday, 29 illegal encroachments were identified. Till date, a total of 3321 illegal encroachments have been demolished, 6843 illegal encroachments have been identified and 108 buildings have been sealed. 
Report of Amit Singh Negi for idea for News from Dehradun .


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