Hearing in Supreme court for temple.

Hearing in Supreme court for temple.

A trial is going on in the Supreme Court on the ban on entry of women from the age group of 10 to 50 in the Kerala Keswarimala temple. During the hearing on Wednesday, the court said that there is no theory of private temple in the country. Temples are not private property but are public property, where no one can go. The court even said that when God made no distinction between man and woman, he has created both, then why is discrimination on the earth?
On Friday, the Supreme Court sent this case to the Constitution Bench. The bench will decide whether the restriction of entry of women in the fixed age group is discriminatory, and Article 14, 15, 17 is a violation of the Article 14 parallelism, Article 15, the basis of religion, caste, sex, place of birth But there is a provision to prevent discrimination and to undermine under article 17 and to end its efforts.
The case was heard on Wednesday. The hearing is going on in a bench headed by Chief Justice Deepak Mishra. When the debate was going on in the court, Justice Deepak Mishra said that in any public property, if a man is allowed to enter, then the woman should also be allowed to enter. Once the temple opens, anybody can go in it.
Report of Amit Singh Negi for Idea for News from Delhi / Dehradun /

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