FIS Race, which is a great privilege for our Uttarakhand State.

FIS Race, which is a great privilege for our Uttarakhand State.

Auli will be developed as Tourism Destination under the master plan and all efforts will be made to add all necessary arrangements for the purpose of organizing winter sports in Auli in the future.

 The International Skiing Race to be organized from January 15-21 in Auli. Uttarakhand has got an opportunity to compete in the international level of  FIS Race, which is a great privilege for our State and hopefully  this competition will be organized successfully.

Auli is one of the most beautiful places in the world. There is immense potential of tourism. Lots of tourists visit here every year for taking advantage of the splendorous beauty. According to sources all the facilities will be provided by the government to all the players, tourists and guests who join the FIS race held in Auli.  The preparations for the FIS race have almost been completed and especially Artificial ICE making with the  instruments like artificial snow-making snow gun  machines, snow wear, Everest groomer etc. 

According to the technical team present at Auli site the natural process of snow making is with the atmosphere having a higher humidity and the temperature dropping below freezing temperature that is below zero degree celcius temperature and they try to replicate the same situation push water at high pressure through very fine nozzles mixing it with high presurre air and injecting this atomised mist of water in the atmosphere . As soon as this mist comes in contact with the sub zero degree atmosohere it becomes snow .

There are two kinds of guns the fixed guns which have been placed along the slopes  and moving portable guns which can be moved anywhere on the slope.There is more techinicals to it  and automtion. But above is the basic principle of snow making.The right ambient temperature is very important lower the temperature better the snow production. 

Report of Amit Singh Negi for Idea For News from DehraDun.  

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