1190 people managed to save 12 young footballers.

1190 people managed to save 12 young footballers.

All 13 people trapped in a cave in Thailand were taken out safely With this, the campaign to save 12 young footballers and their coaches trapped inside the cave is now over. For the last two weeks, the whole world was praying for the safety of the children and their coaches trapped in the cave. 12 children and their coaches were struggling between life and death in Andheri cave full of thousands of liters of water from June 23rd. But, when all these children have been saved, the whole world is praising the divers involved in the rescue operation.
This success of divers is no less than a miracle. Because, it was said that these children could take 4 months to get out of the cave. In this whole rescue operation, there were 90 divers from Thailand, America, China, Japan, Britain and Australia. Apart from this, the team of about one thousand jawans and experts was helping in this whole campaign.
Report of Amit Singh Negi of Idea for News from Delhi Dehradun /

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